Exploring the Chefchaoen Medina

Pretty Staircase at Chefchaoen

Pretty Staircase at Chefchaoen

I sought shelter in one of the restaurants at the square at Chefchaoen. It worked for a bit but I don’t think I can stay in the place that long. Especially when my breakfast was already long gone. They weren’t kicking me out or anything. There weren’t a lot of customers out that time yet so they didn’t really cared if you stayed. In fact, it would probably have been nice to stay there an maybe read a book or just people watch. As for me, I was getting anxious because I wasn’t able to get nice photos of the famous blue city. It was hard to get around in the pouring rain without an umbrella. I probably took that for granted these days since I would just make a run for the car.

Random Staircase at Chefchaoen

Random Staircase at Chefchaoen

Chefchaoen has a few important places but what I am here for are the postcard perfect photos of the town. For starters, I don’t think those postcard photos would actually have names so I wouldn’t even know how to look for them. I was just hoping that I would stumble into them while I would randomly go around the town. Perhaps, I could also follow people around see where they go maybe they would lead me to somewhere interesting. Alas, not a lot of people were out an about here so I would have to just do a random walk and see if I would be able to find anything.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/ChefchaoenMedina.kmz} zoom=19]