Sunset at Lake Minnetonka

Sunset at Lake Minnetonka

Sunset at Lake Minnetonka

I couldn’t believe that I was actually enjoying the cruise around Lake Minnetonka. I really helps when you enjoy the company you have. Lake Minnetonka is Minnesota’s largest lake. Sometimes you would be forgiven if you thought it was a sea. However, the shore isn’t really that far away. There are small bays where the cruise ship would go to, so you don’t really feel that you are out in the open sea. The ship was moving a good clip which made for a nice breeze. It makes you want to just sit back and relax. But that is probably something I couldn’t do since there was a lot of craziness from my colleagues.

Relaxing on Lake Minnetonka

Relaxing on Lake Minnetonka

I thought that there won’t be much to see since by the time we leave, it would be almost dark. That wasn’t true. We had a good few hours to go before sundown and we saw everything. There was also an onboard commentary on what can be seen here but we were too busy milling about to notice. There were a few mansions which looked very impressive. Even the doghouse looks much better than where I stay. Once the cruise ship reached the furthest point of the cruise, it turned around and started heading back to Excelsior. It felt that it was going much faster but it didn’t really matter. It was a nice experience even if I never did get to find out what those houses were.

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