Going to Grace O’Malley’s Castle

Grace O'Malley's Castle

Grace O’Malley’s Castle

The sun was already going down and I didn’t like the idea of having to drive in the dark in an unknown location, so I decided to head back to Achill. In hindsight, I should have just gotten a place nearby instead of having to make the trip back to Achill. Anyway, I got back sooner than I expected and I realized that I still have a bit more time to do some exploring. Not too far from the Achill sound are a number of interesting places which I didn’t get to visit the previous day. Unfortunately, by the time I got back to Achill Island, it was already raining. The weather had been holding up well for the much of the day until I came back to Achill.

Entering Grace O'Malley's Castle

Entering Grace O’Malley’s Castle

There is a castle of a well known figure here. Grace O’Malley’s Castle sits by the shore looking out to sea. There is a main road which goes past the castle tower but I had a little difficulty finding a place to park. The rain was coming down so I didn’t really want to walk far. I managed to park just across the castle. The car was facing the wrong way but nothing I could do about it. As long as I was not in the way, hopefully I should be fine. I would later find out that there was some parking further down the road which would be easier to access. I think some signs would be helpful here.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/GraceO’Malley’sCastle.kmz} zoom=19]