Hey Bear Capsule Hotel 黑熊好眠站

Inside the Capsule at Hey Bear Capsule Hotel

Inside the Capsule at Hey Bear Capsule Hotel

I actually spent the entire day in the city of Taipei but I haven’t actually checked in the hotel yet. I actually dropped my stuff off at the hotel but it seemed that I was too early and it won’t be until the afternoon that they would allow check ins. I always wondered about this since it seems to have the same policies. I would be staying at the Hey Bear Capsule Hotel 黑熊好眠站. I originally wasn’t looking for this place and I was looking for a more traditional hotel or hostel to stay in but the capsule thing really intrigued me.

Individual Capsules at Hey Bear Capsule Hotel

Individual Capsules at Hey Bear Capsule Hotel

The price was quite attractive and I imagine having to stay in a capsule hotel for several days shouldn’t be too bad, I hope. Looking for the hotel was actually the first challenge. When I stepped out of the metro station, I didn’t find any sign of the hotel. It seemed to be a rather busy commercial district with no hotel in sight. Apparently, I wasn’t looking up. There are sign of the hotel up on a building. The building seemed to be dark and dodgy. The entrance was actually off to the side and visitors go up by lift.

Closed Capsule Door at Hey Bear Capsule Hotel

Closed Capsule Door at Hey Bear Capsule Hotel

I wasn’t expecting a room but it seems that the capsules are all in rooms. This room has four capsules. Truth be told, the capsules appear more like bunk beds with doors rather than capsules. Each capsule has a controls for light, ports for USB and power. The capsule was actually quite spacious and you can even sit inside it if you want. So how was it? I thought it wasn’t as bad as I imagined it to be. But it wasn’t all fine and dandy. I discovered the next day I got some insect bites, I wasn’t sure where it came from but I requested a different room just in case. There was air-conditioning in the capsule but I didn’t think it was enough. I may just be adjusting to a warmer climate.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/HeyBearCapsuleHotel.kmz} zoom=19]