Sun Yat-sen Memorabilia

Memorabilia from Sun Yat-sen

Memorabilia from Sun Yat-sen

Much of the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall is dedicated to the a large hall which has the statue of Sun Yat-sen on display. The statue sits on an elevated stone chair and it is cordoned off from visitors. Visitors can easily see the statue from the hall anyway. After watching the changing of the guards at the main hall, I was wondering: what else is in the hall. Turns out there was more. The rest of the hall is turned into an exhibition hall for Sun Yat-sen stuff. It is hidden away from the main hall and can be accessed by stairs.

Newspaper Clippings and Even Money at the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall

Newspaper Clippings and Even Money at the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall

A lot of the memorabilia has much to do with the life of Sun Yat-sen. I wasn’t familiar with the story of the man but it seems that he is important enough to have a museum of his own. There are naturally photos of him from various points in his life. He was quite unremarkable back when he was much younger but probably got his ideology when he studied abroad. He became a doctor but it seems that he was destined to lead the revolution. I practically breezed through the museum since I wasn’t that interested in history. But I realize how important Sun Yat-sen was to the people of Taiwan.

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