Azenhas do Mar

Community at Azenhas do Mar

Community at Azenhas do Mar

If there is one thing that I would have to comment on our tour, it is that our guide doesn’t too much of guiding. Instead, he brings us to these places but I don’t even know what their names are. Another example of these places is one beside the coast. There is a cluster houses built on top of a cliff and it looks very picturesque. I needed to look up the name of the place to know where it was – Azenhas do Mar. As you can see, the houses are all built on top of a steep cliff. It would make for very nice views in the morning I would imagine.

Cliffs at Azenhas do Mar

Cliffs at Azenhas do Mar

I would probably dream of owning a place like this beside the sea but I wonder about the stability of the land here. It is a cliff for a reason right? The endless pounding of the sea ought to weaken the foundation of the houses here. It does seem that the rock here is pretty solid, so if anything would come tumbling down, it wouldn’t be until a long time. I guess, that makes their investment safe. There seem to be quite a few of these communities which are built near the shore. I guess it is a thing for the Portuguese but having seen how bad the Atlantic can be in Ireland, I think I would tend to stay away from places like these.

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