Greencastle Tower

Greencastle Tower

Greencastle Tower

I was trying to save time by moving fast from one place to another. Unlike the previous time I visited the Inishowen 100, I only visited the places I didn’t visit the previous time. The weather is markedly better than the previous time as well. This is saying something since those days weren’t that bad either. What I like about Ireland is that it doesn’t get too warm, although it does get chilly even when it is summer. At least the sun is out and that helps. I reached the eastern side of the Inishowen peninsula where I thought wasn’t that interesting the last time I came here. I remember visiting a lighthouse which wasn’t open to visitors, disappointed, I went straight home. This time I have more time in my hands.

Abandoned Buiding Near Greencastle Tower

Abandoned Buiding Near Greencastle Tower

I reach the town of Greencastle this time determined to explore its interesting sights. I noticed that there was some fort like structure here but there didn’t seem to be any mention of it. Upon doing some research the fort like tower is called Greencastle Tower. It is considered a Martello Tower. A Martello Tower is a tower which is fat and short and it is used for defensive purposes by the British. There are numerous examples of this all over Britain and Ireland. It seems that I have stumbled into one of them. The tower is attached to some building which had no indication of its purpose. I would assume that it was part of the fort. It is not a museum nor is it in active use anymore. The windows have been boarded up and it looks like it has been abandoned. It is a shame that such a historical structure has been left to deteriorate like this. Perhaps someone would find use and turn it into a museum or maybe a hotel.

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