Culdaff Beach

Culdaff Beach

Culdaff Beach

I was revisiting the Inishowen 100 to see the stuff that I missed the first time. Although the length of the driving route is 100 miles, it is almost impossible to complete all the sites in one drive. This would have to be done over several days preferably from a convenient base. I have the luxury to revisit this place and skip some places which I have already been to. This seems to be much better day compared to the last time I was out. I was making my way across the Inishowen peninsula in the hopes of running into more signs which point the way to interesting spots.

Walking Along Culdaff Beach

Walking Along Culdaff Beach

My next stop was one I ran into by accident. The village of Culdaff is along the way to the eastern side of the Inishowen peninsula. It is also a convenient place to stop from all that driving. There happens to be a beach here which I thought was quite convenient for the village folk. Culdaff beach is just outside the village center and it is quiet amazing. The sand is dazzling and the beach is long and wide. I wasn’t sure if there is anything interesting if one walks to the end of the beach but I don’t have time for that, I took a few photos and I was off again.

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