Sailing from Burtonport to Aranmore Island

Guideposts Along the Way to Aranmore Island

Guideposts Along the Way to Aranmore Island

It has been years since I last boarded a ship. The last one was a trip to Skelling Michael down in county Kerry, though I would hardly call that boat a ship. I never enjoyed riding boats here in Ireland. Quite a number of times, the destinations would out at sea, seemingly in the middle of nowhere. In all times, the ride was extremely rough, enough to make your throw up your lunch. Fortunately, I don’t get seasick however, that doesn’t make the ride any less scary. I was preparing for the worst for this ferry ride to Aranmore Island.

On the Way to Aranmore Island

On the Way to Aranmore Island

However, it turns out to be a most pleasant ride. The waters weren’t choppy at all. While you can still feel some waves, it was an extremely smooth ride. There was land all around and there isn’t much open sea as of that point. There were numerous guideposts along the way to help the captain stay on course. I was actually thinking that it must be boring if it was like this everyday. The captain did say that the water can get rough and that that day was a good day. Then again, how rough could it get especially if the ferry carries cars to the island. I don’t think they would let ships like these sail in very dangerous waters.

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