Roman Theater of Orange

Seating Area at the Roman Theater of Orange

Seating Area at the Roman Theater of Orange

I have been to a few Roman theaters around Europe and I think they are very fascinating structures. As what one would expect, the theater is a place where performances are held in the city. This was the movie house before there were movies. Roman society was surprisingly sophisticated since they built at lot of structures which seemed to be more for entertainment. I guess one can judge how a civilization fares by how people enjoy themselves. However, this serves another purpose. By keeping the people entertained, the Romans were able to better control the people. People won’t be as bored as to try to overthrow them.

Stage of the Roman Theater of Orange

Stage of the Roman Theater of Orange

The Roman theater is one of the symbols of Roman culture. This is where literature and music of the time would be showcased. While there are several Roman theaters all over the empire, the Roman Theater of Orange in France is one of the best preserved. It wasn’t very obvious that this place was very well preserved but once visitors get past the entrance, they would be transported back to another time. The theater is composed of two main structures. The seating area which is probably the most commonly preserved part of the theater and the stage area, obviously where the performances are held.

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