Secular Life of Karol Wojtyła

Clothes of Karol Wojtyła When He Worked During the War

Clothes of Karol Wojtyła When He Worked During the War

It seemed it wasn’t too long after the passing of Pope John Paul II that we now have two popes after him. Sometimes the public life of a person would be all that people would focus on that it is easy to forget that these people were just ordinary persons back then. Pope John Paul II, whose real name is Karol Wojtyła was born of humble birth in the town of Wadowice. As a boy, we was known to be a sportsman and he loved playing football just like the rest of the kids. He was actually the third child, but he never met his sisters who passed away before his birth. His brother was much older than him. Still, he had very close ties with his family especially with his father. It is with his father that he moved to the city of Krakow.

Kitchen of the Family Home of Pope John Paul II

Kitchen of the Family Home of Pope John Paul II

Karol was an actor and would have probably been in showbiz had he not entered the priesthood. Karol was in Krakow when World War II happened. He managed to escape the Germans and help people along the way. He was forced to work, it was during this time that his father met his death. At this point in his life, he had lost his entire immediate family. His mother died when she was eight. His brother, a physician, contracted a disease and passed away, and now his father followed suit. At this point, he only had God, and his loss, would turn into the world’s gain.

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