Krakow Market Square at Night

Evening in Krakow Old Town

Evening in Krakow Old Town

I spent the rest of the afternoon exploring the old town of Krakow. It seems like every turn of the corner one would find something interesting. I like how much of the old town appears to be very well preserved. It seems like there is a church every other block. This is a testament of how strong the faith of the Polish people are. Part of this random exploration of the old town would be to find a place to eat dinner. I still don’t have any idea of what Polish food is apart from their famous dumplings. I think I will eat nice tonight.

Old City Gates of Krakow Old Town

Old City Gates of Krakow Old Town

The sun has already gone down and the lights of the old town of Krakow turn on. What I like about these old towns is that they probably look even better at night. I enjoy walking around these kinds of places and I think Krakow doesn’t seem to know when to stop giving. It seems that people have not left yet and there are still a lot of people going about. There were a lot of commercial shops open here and it makes it look like a shopping district. This is a reality we probably need to accept for tourist attractions to be properly maintained.

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