Inside Cahir Castle

Another Room at Cahir Castle

Another Room at Cahir Castle

I wasn’t intending to stay too long in Cahir, I had a schedule to keep but I think I was making good time. Cahir Castle is considered one of the largest castles in Ireland but inside it doesn’t really feel like it. I was going around the rooms of the castle and some of them were well set up. I don’t think it was all original furniture but at least the structure was intact. I saw a great hall here, as well as something that looks like a mess hall, where the staff would be eating. I liked how they set up the castle so you don’t you have to try to wonder what it was supposed to be.

Was This Room a Toilet?

Was This Room a Toilet?

There were other rooms which were totally empty which made me wonder what it was. There was a square cut out of the wooden floor which made me think that this place was actually a toilet. I couldn’t imagine how their sewerage system much have been back then. But disgusting as it may be, the river was actually just next door. Safe to say, I probably won’t be drinking from the river any time soon. I probably went through the rooms of the castle very quickly. As I suddenly found myself outside again.

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