Sea Turtle at Turtle Point

Close Up of a Sea Turtle at Turtle Point in Perhentian Kecil

Close Up of a Sea Turtle at Turtle Point in Perhentian Kecil

Our guide excitedly called us to gather around him as we was able to spot a sea turtle at the sea floor. The sea floor wasn’t too deep yet, the sun water very bright and the waters with good visibility. The water was visibly more opaque than one at Turtle Beach probably because the current here is much stronger, kicking up more sediment thereby reducing visibility. Even so, visibility was good enough to see the turtle from the surface of the water. The better divers among us were already diving down to get a better look at the turtle, which didn’t seem to mind the humans milling about. Apparently it was grazing on some plants at the sea floor.

Sea Turtle Grazing on Some Plants at Turtle Point at Perhentian Kecil

Sea Turtle Grazing on Some Plants at Turtle Point at Perhentian Kecil

Sea turtles must be quite common here since the beach and this point was named after the animal. In my mind it would be great to see sea turtles come to lay their eggs but I don’t know whether it happens here. Hatching of the sea turtles is also another great event to see. I only have a couple of days here in the Perhentian Islands I doubt I would be so lucky as to witness such an event. Our boatman was skillfully encircling the sea turtle while taking some great shots of the turtle. It didn’t seem to mind him, either that or it has really poor eyesight. I only wish that I could get a closer look at the turtle.

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