Moving on to Turtle Point

Sea Turtle at the Turtle Point in Perhentian Kecil

Sea Turtle at the Turtle Point in Perhentian Kecil

We were supposed to go to six different places here in our island hopping tour. We were already done with Turtle Beach. Now, we are moving one to our next destination, Turtle Point. I don’t see what the difference is since it was essentially just a different part of the same island, it was just a little further up from Turtle Beach. From the name here, I can only guess what we can see here. We were instructed to dive into the water. I had already gotten used to the snorkel that it doesn’t bother me anymore. The life vest ensured that I won’t sink into the sea so I was quite safe. The boatman instructed us to stay close to him as he was looking for something, I wonder what it could be?

The Chase Begins at Turtle Point in Perhentian Kecil

The Chase Begins at Turtle Point in Perhentian Kecil

All of a sudden he excitedly called to us and asked us to follow him. He has already dove down in to the water close to the not very shallow floor to spot a sea turtle! Because of the clarity of the water here, even though I was far above the sea floor, I can still see the turtle on the floor. My co-tourists we just as excited and tried to get a closer look. It seems to be not an easy task since only a handful of them managed to see the turtle up close. They need to make sure to approach the turtle with caution as it might startle the turtle and change its behavior. Our boatman continue to take photos of the turtle. Maybe I would have better luck looking at those photos instead.

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