Good Luck Lake 如意湖

Beautiful Good Luck Lake 如意湖

Beautiful Good Luck Lake 如意湖

The largest lake in the lowlands of the Mountain Resort in Chengde was Good Luck Lake 如意湖. On the shores of the lake are numerous pavillions where the emperor would frequently hang out and just appreciate the beauty of the lake. It was not difficult to find out why he loves doing this since the lake is indeed very pretty. The clear blue skies reflect off the still waters of the lake making a very tranquill and picturesque scene.

Clear Blue Sky at Good Luck Lake 如意湖

Clear Blue Sky at Good Luck Lake 如意湖

During the warmer months it is possible to take a boat ride on this beautiful lake much like how the emperor used to. In the colder months it freezes over. This frozen landscape lends another kind of beauty to the Mountain Resort. However, during these months the emperor would most likelly not be here and instead be in the warmer lowlands of Beijing.

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