Divine Kitchen 神厨

Detail on the Divine Kitchen 神厨

Detail on the Divine Kitchen 神厨

The Temple of Heaven Park was suprisingly big and I was thinking that I was right to come here earlier than planned. I was under the impression that all you can see here is the big temple itself but apparrently there are other places of interest here in the park. The Ming emperors had the temple built for their offerings and over the years it has expanded until its present size.

Divine Kitchen 神厨 from the Outside

Divine Kitchen 神厨 from the Outside

I entered the park through the east gate, this gate leads directly to the temple itself, in fact you can see it just after entering the park grounds. However, there is still some walking to be done to get there. Along the way you get to see other structures. The first one you will encounter will be the Divine Kitchen, obviously the place where the sacrifices are prepared. The Divine Kitchen is a large block of a building built with Ming aesthetics. This is closed to the public though and will be undergoing renovation soon.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/TempleofHeaven.kmz} zoom=19]