Long Corridor 长廊

Walk to the Temple of Heaven 天坛

Walk to the Temple of Heaven 天坛

It was a long ride from Jishuitan subway station to my next destination, which happens to be another UNESCO world heritage site. Next stop for me is the Tiantan Dongmen 天坛东门 which is on Line 5. I haven’t had lunch yet so I was quite hungry what with all the walking I have been doing. At the exit of the Tiantan Dongmen station I was looking for my destination but I couldn’t find it, I thought it would be big enough to be seen from here after all the station was named after that. I asked around and again, the security guard posted at the subway exit was new and didn’t know where it was.

Long Corridor 长廊 at the Temple of Heaven 天坛

Long Corridor 长廊 at the Temple of Heaven 天坛

I crossed the highway in the hopes of running into something significant but I should know now that this is not something easy to do in a large city such as Beijing. I asked around again and they pointed me somewhere finally. The area was a residential area and there was no indication that there was something significant here, until you run into the entrance gate where you will see a lot of buses coming in. This was the entrance to the Tiantan 天坛 or better known in the western world as the Temple of Heaven in Beijing.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/TempleofHeaven.kmz} zoom=19]