Clark Quay Fountain Area

Towering Umbrellas of Clarke Quay

Towering Umbrellas of Clarke Quay

Clarke Quay is basically a collection of several groups of old shophouses before it was converted into an entertainment hub. There is a large square in the middle of it all and it serves as a natural hub of the entire complex. As I mentioned previously, Clarke Quay renovation added some large blowers to keep the wind moving in the area. However, it did not stop there. It was realized that visitors to Clarke Quay were wide open to the elements and something must be done about it. It must be a bad idea if the customers got wet because of a sudden tropical storm which is common in this part of the world. So what do you do when it rains? You use umbrellas.

Close Up Look at the Umbrellas

Close Up Look at the Umbrellas

And what umbrellas did they use. The entire Clarke Quay complex is covered by an immense network of transparent plastic sheets that serve as umbrellas when the rains come. Of course these are no ordinary umbrellas. They are supported by several very tall metal supports, on which the blowers were also attached to. The coverage of the umbrellas are so extensive that it is not possible to get wet when it rains. You can though, get wet at the fountain area.

Fountain Area at Clarke Quay

Fountain Area at Clarke Quay

The square at the middle of the group of shophouses now hosts an interesting fountain. Naturally, it is state of the art and it dances and is displayed in a multitude of colors. It is quite magical to be looking at the fountain. It is quite interactive too since it is built at ground level. In fact it is possible for some unwitting visitor to accidentally walk into the fountain without realizing it. Anyone doing so will certainly be in for a surprise.

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