Exploring Clarke Quay

New Look Clarke Quay

New Look Clarke Quay

When anyone plans to visit Clarke Quay, it is important that the visit be done at night. Although some of the restaurants do open during lunch time, the fun really starts after the sun sets. The multi-million dollar renovation of Clarke Quay some years back was a huge bet to liven up the place. It has taken a more radical approach to redesigning the place. Most of the shophouses in Clarke Quay were spared and were more or less left untouched. Of course, these same shophouses had to undergo renovations themselves since the new restaurants also needed their own look and feel.

Brilliant Lights in Clarke Quay, This is Just Leading to the Car Park

Brilliant Lights in Clarke Quay, This is Just Leading to the Car Park

For starters, Clarke Quay being in Singapore, and very near the equator, is extremely hot and humid and it is not a good thing if you want to attract well heeled tourists and foreigners to come and enjoy themselves here. The solution, short of airconditioning the entire complex, was to put large blowers in strategic locations around Clarke Quay’s premises. It is actually a relief to be standing near these blowers since there is cool air coming out. I think it works as it is now more pleasant to walk here even in the middle of the day.

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