Going to the Speyer Cathedral

In Front of Speyer Cathedral

In Front of Speyer Cathedral

One of the most prominent landmarks in the city of Speyer is the Speyer Cathedral. I guess a lot of European cities would have their own cathedral but what make the one in Speyer unique is the size of the cathedral. I still haven’t visited the cathedral itself but I can already see it from far away. I was walking along the main street in the city center but you can see the cathedral at the far end of the street. I never heard of the city of Speyer before but it seems that it is known for the Protestations at Speyer where people petitioned that the movement inspired by Martin Luther not be banned. This eventually led to the birth of the Lutheran movement or just Lutheranism.

Going to Speyer Cathedral

Going to Speyer Cathedral

The cathedral however was constructed way before this and looking at the size of the church, it just might have added some appeal to the teachings of Martin Luther. Regardless, it is because of the sheer grandeur of the Speyer cathedral that it was inscribed into the UNESCO World Heritage site list. The main street heads straight to the cathedral and it is not possible to judge how big the church is from this angle. I only go from the fact that I can already see the church even if I was still that far as a sign of just how big it actually is.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/SpeyerCathedral.kmz} zoom=19]