Going to Barbarathermen

Barbarathermen at Trier

Barbarathermen at Trier

I was enjoying my visit to the city of Trier. I understand that Trier is home to a bunch of Roman monuments and I was hoping to see them. However, apart from the amazing Port Nigra, I haven’t really seen anything else. Porta Nigra is one of the gateways into the city center. It is an incredibly well preserved structure and I was hoping there would be more of those. As I walked around the city center. I didn’t happen to see anything else. Sure, there is the Christmas market but I didn’t come here for that. I had to look it up in Google Maps to find where the other places are.

Entering the Barbarathermen at Trier

Entering the Barbarathermen at Trier

As it turns out, some of the important monuments of Trier are around the city center. There are a few inside the center but I think I will leave that for last when it is time for lunch. For now, I will need to walk across the city center to the outskirts. It isn’t really a difficult walk but it can be a challenge if the temperature is below freezing and you have all your stuff with you. I was glad that I packed light but I would rather not be walking around with two backpacks strapped to me.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/Barbarathermen.kmz} zoom=19]