Exploring the Loreley Statue

Walking Along the Rhine

Walking Along the Rhine

One of the points to visit here in Sankt Goarhausen is a statue of Loreley. The story of Loreley is tightly tied to the town as there are a few spots here which relate to Loreley. I first noticed that there was statue when I was across the river at Sankt Goar. I thought that it must be an important place for them to build a statue like that there. I thought that the walk from Sankt Goarhausen shouldn’t be that far but it was actually much further than I thought. I walked along the river back on the eastern bank of the river to the statue. Soon enough I can see the statue and thought that it wasn’t that far after all. However, there was water separating me and the statue.

Entrance of the Loreley Statue

Entrance of the Loreley Statue

It seems that the Loreley statue was built on a thin sliver of land that was built along the the eastern bank. I think that this thin strip of land was built as some sort of shield against waves to make it easier for smaller boats to move. This is especially important since there is a lot of cargo traffic that passed through the Rhine. This land also happens to be quite long. This means that I would have to go all the way to where the strip of land joins up with the eastern bank and then walk back to the end to reach the statue. I sure hope that all this walking is worth it.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/LoreleyStatue.kmz} zoom=19]