Going to Brühl

Entering Falkenlust

Entering Falkenlust

I thought I finished my visit to the city of Aachen rather quickly. Unfortunately, some of the places which I intended to visited weren’t open. With nothing much to do and still a list of places to visit to clear, I decided to head back to Köln or Cologne where I was based. I know that it was winter and that the days were shorter but I thought that I might be able to squeeze something in if I return early enough. After all, the place I wanted to visited wasn’t that far from Köln, I hope that I would be able to make it. Soon enough, I was back at the Köln central station. My next destination is the city of Brühl.

Long Park at Falkenlust

Long Park at Falkenlust

There were several trains which go past Brühl and I managed to get one quickly enough. By this time, I think I was already used to the German train system and I was just buying tickets and taking train like a local. At least it was a load off my mind because I thought it was be something that would take my a while to understand. Brühl is less than an hour away from Köln by train so hopefully, I would have enough time to go around there. I was more concerned about the approaching sunset rather than going to place I have never been to. Brühl seemed to be a quiet enough place, I quickly got out of the train station and started walking to my intended destination.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/Falkenlust.kmz} zoom=19]