Köln Cathedral

Köln Cathedral

Köln Cathedral

I will be staying in the Germany city of Köln or Cologne for the new few days. There was an unexpected cold wave when I arrived and it was extremely cold. I don’t think this is typical of Köln but weather report says that the cold snap would last a week, so I would have to bear with this for a while. I do have a winter jacket with me so I’m hoping that it would be enough. Fortunately for me, at least for today, most of the places that I want to see are actually within walking distance of my hotel. The most important of them is Köln Cathedral which is a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Closer Look at Köln Cathedral

Closer Look at Köln Cathedral

Köln Cathedral looks very familiar to me. It is a gothic church and I have seen several gothic churches in my travels. This one fits in with the rest. This is not to say that Köln Cathedral doesn’t look impressive, it does. In fact, the design of the cathedral is very elaborate and it is consistent with other gothic churches. I am always very impressed whenever I see a gothic church. There are numerous details you can look at here at Köln Cathedral. Like a lot of gothic churches, Köln Cathedral is also very tall. However, the height didn’t prevent the builders from added detail that would be better seen from street level. The cathedral has two bell towers and apparently, it is possible to go up there, maybe I would get a chance to go up.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/KölnCathedral.kmz} zoom=19]