Ponta da Piedade Up Close

Small Islands at Ponta da Piedade

Small Islands at Ponta da Piedade

I was very delighted with the beautiful scenery at Ponda da Piedade in Lagos Portugal. While, Ireland has a lot of cliff scenery, Ponta da Piedade has it beat by the color of the cliffs which is yellow here. Additionally, the bright sun helps to highlight the color all the more. The sun also helps to give more color to the sea as well, combine all of these together and you got a very beautiful seascape which you might be hard pressed to find anywhere else in the world. Actually, Australia has something similar but at least in the part of the world, it is quite unique.

Rocky Landscape at Ponta da Piedade

Rocky Landscape at Ponta da Piedade

Most visitors would actually be on the highlands looking down into the sea. It is possible to head down but there are several trails to follow here. Some of them lead to beaches while others like the one I follow merely lead down towards the water. Not too far from where I was, there is a long flight of stairs which leads down towards the water. There is no beach to be seen here but rather a small pier. I seems that there are boat tours which start here. I wasn’t really interested in the boat tour since we already scheduled one in the next few days. However, this place gave me a different vantage point and I can see just how busy this place is. There are numerous kayaks here since this is where tourists would be free to go around. There are several small islands make it quite fun to explore.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/PontadaPiedade.kmz} zoom=19]