Exploring Lagos, Portugal

View of Ponta da Piedade

View of Ponta da Piedade

We had a great lunch at Lazy Jacks along the marina. By the time we were finished it was already past two in the afternoon. I felt that we only just got out of the apartment and it was already two in the afternoon. I have my own agenda to do here and if I needed to get it done it has to be done now. Lagos has a number of very picturesque areas and I wanted us to go there. However, because we only had a single car with us, it would be difficult to shuttle everyone back and forth. Ultimately, the rest decided to just stay behind much to my dismay. I actually felt bad because I felt guilty about dragging everyone unnecessarily only to wait at the church square.

Natural Sea Arch at Ponta da Piedade

Natural Sea Arch at Ponta da Piedade

That being said, the old town of Lagos is also a place worth exploring. I was planning on going to the natural sights first before going to the old town if I have time for that. The natural sights of Lagos are not that far it is just that it would be difficult to go there with kids in tow. I got the car and drove off. The way is well sign posted and I didn’t even need the satnav to guide the way. I can see that we are heading towards the coast and I was very excited to see the much vaunted coastline of Lagos.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/PontadaPiedade.kmz} zoom=19]