Going to Lagos in Algarve

Walking Along the Streets of Lagos

Walking Along the Streets of Lagos

When we were planning for this trip to Algarve in Portugal, I only had one request and that is that we all go to Lagos which is further west of Albufeira. Unfortunately, public transport was difficult here in the area and we had kids with us. It would be tough to bring them to the train station and wherever. So the idea was to rent a car for a day which would make things simpler. For one reason or another, we only rented a single car and the other vehicle was a private van service. This is not an ideal solution since the driver of the van would just bring us to the destination and the pick us back up when we are ready. This is not ideal because there are multiple places which I would like to see here and having that kind of arrangement with the van won’t do, but it is what it is.

Blue Waters Leading to the Marina at Lagos

Blue Waters Leading to the Marina at Lagos

I ended up driving the rental car. It isn’t the first time I drove in Portugal and you can say that I have experience just not in this area. I didn’t think it was difficult to drive though since most of the way is highway and was great driving all the way. Albufeira and Lagos are major population centers so there was a bit of slowdown within those places. I ended up parking at the center of town where there was a large underground parking area. Unfortunately, there was a lack of communication since we didn’t know where we would be meeting up, the van driver ended up dropping them all near the marina which was a long distance away from where we were. At least I get to see the city more if we walk. Oh, did I forget to say that it was a lovely day?

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/LagosMarina.kmz} zoom=19]