Saint John’s Point Beach

Saint John's Point Beach

Saint John’s Point Beach

This is the first time I have explored this part of Donegal. Now that I look at the map, there is a thin strip of land that sticks out into the sea. I should have expected that the would be some interesting places to see here. Saint John’s Point is probably the highlight of a visit to this small peninsula. But there are still some places to see here. On the way back, I noticed that I passed by a small beach. I never noticed this before since I was focused on going to Saint John’s Point. Now that I am on my way out, I realized that there was a beach here all along.

Water Near the Saint John's Point Beach

Water Near the Saint John’s Point Beach

The beach is appropriately named Saint John’s Point Beach. It seems to be nice and secluded but there are still quite a few people here camping out. Just a short walk away from the beach you can see several tents setup. Obviously they are here to spend the night. I admit that the thought of camping out near a beach is quite interesting but there is actually very little parking in the area. Visitors would ultimately end up parking on the grass just to make sure that they are not in the way. The beach area has a very small parking area which can only fit only a handful of vehicles. Others would have to make do with grass. Don’t expect any facilities here, so come prepared.

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