Revisiting McSwyne’s Castle

McSwyne's Castle

McSwyne’s Castle

My first visit to McSwyne’s Castle in southern Donegal wasn’t that good. The weather wasn’t that great so I got a lot of dark and miserable shots. When the weather got a little better the following weeks, I thought that I should go and pay it another visit. This time around, I remembered to bring my telephoto lens. This is only because I’m too lazy to walk closer to the castle. My reason is that the path to the castle is too unstable as it is littered with a lot of large stones, some of which weren’t stable. So I would just use the lens to do the walking for me rather then risk a sprained ankle.

Closer Look at a Pillar at McSwyne's Castle

Closer Look at a Pillar at McSwyne’s Castle

The view of McSwyne’s Castle is much better now with some sun illuminating it. The first time I was here it felt like it was about to rain so I got very dark photos. This is much better now. The beach here is still as unappealing as ever. The large stones here probably serve to protect the shore more than anything else. It would be a shame if the castle’s foundations were worn away and the castle would collapse. I doubt that a lot of people know about this castle. I only knew about it myself when I passed by on my way to another place further down the road. So finding this place was a pleasant surprise for me.

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