Secret Waterfall

Secret Waterfall

Secret Waterfall

It was to my huge relief that I finally reached the main chamber of the secret waterfall. Looking at the entire place. You can see that the layered rocks here in the area are still plentiful, in fact, they dominate the place. This serves as a perfect place to build a “secret” waterfall. Imagine that the sea carved out a cavern from the exposed rock which happened to be near where water is flowing. This produced a chamber which has a pretty much regular shape. The roof of the chamber was almost flat because of the layering of the rocks. What’s more it that part of the roof had already collapsed where the water was flowing thus creating the waterfall. Because the roof collapsed, this also creates a unique skylight as you go further in the chamber.

Narrow Chamber of the Secret Waterfall

Narrow Chamber of the Secret Waterfall

This is probably one of the most interesting waterfalls that I have seen. The flow of the water isn’t that particularly strong. Perhaps it would be better when there was recent rain. However, I might not want to be here when that happens as it might make accessing the waterfall even more difficult. The entrance to the chamber is sandy while slowly turning in to large smooth rocks the further you go in.. I was wary of losing my footing here the rocks as they tend to be slippery. I was already barefoot here and I think it was much better compared to my rubber shoes. The waterfall is almost mystical here since it is that isolated. The skylight here provides quite a bit of dramatic effect highlighting the waterfall. Looking up, I wonder if there would have been a easier way to access the waterfall from above. Then again, I think part of the adventure aspect of the visit would have been lost had it been any easier to approach.

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