Exploring the Jardin Majorelle

Pavillion at the Water Lily Pool

Pavillion at the Water Lily Pool

The Jardin Marjorelle is one of the most popular places in Marrakesh. One needs to purchase a ticket to get in here so it would be advisable to get one online first before going there. The Jardin Marjorelle is like an oasis in the middle of the concrete jungle that is Marrakesh. This was painstakingly built by Jacques Majorelle and it was subsequently purchased by Yves Saint Laurent. The garden feeling like it is cut off from the rest of the world which is why Yves Saint Laurent would spend time here concoct his latest creations.

Water Lily Pool at Jardin Majorelle

Water Lily Pool at Jardin Majorelle

The garden is surprisingly large and as you get past the initial crowd at the entrance, people would spread out all over the garden and you would be surprised to find yourself alone in some places. The paths in the garden are clearly marked. The management of the garden is very strict when it comes to staying on the path. They have security deployed all throughout and they make sure you comply. Visitors need to be careful not to damage the plants which is one of the reasons why the garden exists in the first place. I moved over to one side to let people through and I brushed against some of the plants and I got told off by security. I thought that was a bit too much but it’s their property. Much of the area where the plants are a fenced off but some plants may be easier to reach than others albeit accidentally.

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