Jardin Majorelle

Small Clearing in Jardin Majorelle

Small Clearing in Jardin Majorelle

I went outside the medina of Marrakesh to visit what is one of the more popular attractions in the city – Jardin Majorelle or Marjorelle Garden. The garden is a fair walk from the medina walls but it gave me a chance to see other parts of the the city of Marrakesh. Obviously these parts are not centuries old anymore as the structures here are much more modern. You would feel that Marrakesh is still a very modern city even if they still have the centuries old medina. It is nice the they are able to keep the old and new and make them coexist. I was passing through what seems to be a rather nice part of the city with apartments and such. I knew that I was there when there appeared to be more people.

Paths Lined with Bamboo

Paths Lined with Bamboo

There is a queue to get in the garden. While it wasn’t as bad a the queue at the Saadian Tombs, I still couldn’t help but think if I should have purchased tickets online since there was a dedicated queue for visitors who did. Either way, I didn’t have to wait that long to get in as the queue was moving quite fast. Visitors can opt to purchase a ticket which will allow entry into the Jardin Majorelle as well as the Yves Saint Laurent museum. I wasn’t interested in the museum. Apparently, it is museum of fashion. Yves Saint Laurent has ties to this place which is why there is a museum in his name.

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