Design at the Grand Chamber

Archway at the Saadian Tombs

Archway at the Saadian Tombs

The grand chamber at the Saadian Tombs wasn’t as grand as the Chamber of the Twelve Columns. In fact, what is visible from the outside isn’t that interesting when compared with he former. What is impressive though is the loggia which can be seen from the outside. The loggia is a covered gallery like structure. I started queuing up for the Chamber of the Twelve Columns at one of these loggias. The design of the loggia is simply outstanding and it is considered as one of the most impressive in the necropolis. I can see why.

Detail on the Archway at the Saadian Tombs

Detail on the Archway at the Saadian Tombs

The arches that form the loggias are carved out of wood and sit on top of marble columns. If you look closer, these arches are incredibly detailed. Incredibly, there are made out of wood and exposed to the elements. I was surprised that it has lasted this long. Maybe the relatively drier climate here in Marrakesh helps preserve such things from deterioration. For me, these archways are one of the highlights of a visit to the Saadian Tombs. There are other archways int the Chamber of the Twelve Columns but they are not as accessible as these ones.

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