Going to the Saadian Tombs

Kasbah Mosque in Marrakesh

Kasbah Mosque in Marrakesh

When I saw that Marrakesh is a UNESCO World Heritage site on its own, I naively thought that it was because it is an old medina of a famous place which is why it made the list. It is true that Marrakesh has quite a few of these centuries old medinas which all deserve to be in the heritage list however, it turns out that Marrakesh was just more than the medina. It is what is in the medina which also matters. Back then, sultans ruled over what is modern day Morocco. As you might expect, wars were raged over territory by the sultans and they would later establish dynasties to keep the hold on power.

Long Queue at the Saadin Tombs

Long Queue at the Saadin Tombs

One of these prominent dynasties is the Saadian dynasty. Although they weren’t originally based in Marrakesh, they eventually conquery Marrakesh and made it their capital. The Saadian dynasty lasted in Marrakesh for around a hundred years and it went through several sultans in between. Most of them were buried here in Marrakesh at the same necropolis which is now call the Saadian Tombs. I normally would avoid such places but it seems that it is one of the most important places in Marrakesh, so important that it is worth queuing up for. It was still morning so I think I have time to queue. I first need to find it. It is actually hidden behind the Kasbah mosque and once again, you would not be able to find this place on your own.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/SaadianTombs.kmz} zoom=19]