View of the El Jadida

Beach and Breakwater at El Jadida

Beach and Breakwater at El Jadida

I thought that I have seen most of what the old Portuguese City of Mazagan has to offer. It really is a compact city and can be easily explored in a couple of hours. I decided to head back to the walls to see if I missed anything. I initially went to the port side of the walls where I got to see a quiet harbor. This time I would walk to the other side. The walls go all the way around the city so you can get a good look at what is around the city. You can have a good look at the modern city of El Jadida. It isn’t really ultramodern metropolis like a Rabat would be. There aren’t a lot of tall buildings and it is essentially flat apart from the minarets.

View of the Modern City of El Jadida

View of the Modern City of El Jadida

To the right you can see the Atlantic Ocean. The waves would be pounding the shores here and you can see how powerful they can be. This is in contrast to the quiet water which is just off to the other end of the city. This is because of the breakwater which keeps the powerful waves away. However, on this side, you can see the raw power of the ocean. There is a small beach here and people doing some fishing. I can see where they got my lunch now. I can also see that you can even walk on the breakwater, I think that would be a fun activity here.

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