Intricate Carvings at the Al-Attarine Madrasa

Wooden Carvings at the Al-Attarine Madrasa

Wooden Carvings at the Al-Attarine Madrasa

I really couldn’t get enough of the extremely elaborate and intricate carvings here at the Al-Attarine Madrasa. It seems like every square inch of the madrasa was covered in these works of art. I wonder how long it too for them to complete all these. It is very likely that these these were done by different people which is all the more amazing since they have an abundance of talent for carving. The skill doesn’t only apply to stone carving but also to wood. Parts of the madrasa are made of wood. Some windows and doors have wooden parts in them and they weren’t spared the carvings which the rest of the building was subjected too.

Elaborate Designs Near the Doorways of the Al-Attarine Madrasa

Elaborate Designs Near the Doorways of the Al-Attarine Madrasa

The result is an excellent mix of stone and wooden carvings all done very tastefully. You could probably spend a day here looking at various parts of the madrasa. I wonder if the students were ever distracted by all this. If you see it everyday, then you probably won’t be that impressed anymore. For the casual tourist like me, I think it is amazing to be able to see something like this. It have never entered a madrasa before so I don’t really know if this is normal, but looking at the difficulty of making these, I would say that it would not be very common to see something like this.

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