Medina of Fès

Dense Housing in the Medina of Fès

Dense Housing in the Medina of Fès

I was lucky to have stumbled into the roof deck of the Museum of Andalusian Music. From the roof deck you can see a huge part of the medina of Fès. It also gives you an idea of how large this place actually is. No wonder I get lost here. As I can see here, most of the buildings hare look pretty much the same. From the street level, this is even more so since all you see are shop after shop. There would be zones where certain artisans would be setting up shop called souks. This gives some areas a bit more character than the others. You can probably tell that this place is quite old. In fact, Fès was established around the ninth century and over the centuries it has grown to be the second largest city in Morocco.

Minaret Rises Above the Medina of Fès

Minaret Rises Above the Medina of Fès

Fès has several interesting facts to it. It is the largest urban car free area. This means there is no car pollution there. Visitors can bring a car but they would be parked outside the medina. Then you have to walk in. It could be a long walk since the medina is massive. Fès is also known to be a center of religious studies with the oldest continually operating university in the world. Earlier I also visited one of the oldest tanneries in the world. All of these combine to elevate Fès to be a UNESCO World Heritage site.

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