Exploring Belmullet Peninsula

White Sand Beach at Belmullet Peninsula

White Sand Beach at Belmullet Peninsula

From Achill Island, I can see the Belmullet Peninsula but one would need to cross the sea to get there, or as in my case, drive all the way around to get to the remote peninsula. It was actually much further than I thought and the roads going there weren’t that big. I managed to arrive in one piece and I started exploring. I merely followed the main road going into the peninsula. There were a lot of signs along the way so you would know where to go. I was following the signs for the Blacksod Point Lighthouse which is at the very end of the peninsula. I’m pretty sure that I wouldn’t not go wrong if I follow those signs.

Beautiful Beach at Belmullet Peninsula

Beautiful Beach at Belmullet Peninsula

The main road roughly follows the coast which goes around Blacksod Bay. There were several stopping points where you can admire the white sand beaches some of which are Blue Flag beaches which are noted for their sustainability and cleanliness. I noticed that waters here are a quite shallow which makes the water look turquoise. I would have loved to get nice blue skies and probably some high ground to get a better photo of the place. Much of this part of the peninsula is pretty flat so it was not easy to get an overhead shot unless you have a drone.

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