Mountain Donburi 山丼

A Bowl of Mountain Donburi in Taipei

A Bowl of Mountain Donburi in Taipei

I was finally ending my visit to Taipei and I was very surprised to see how much it has changed. In a lot of ways it felt like a slower paced version of Hong Kong. This is not to say that there aren’t any niceties of being in a cosmopolitan city. Food is obviously one of the most prominent examples of how how cosmopolitan a city is. Naturally, there would be local Chinese food but there are also a lot of other restaurants here. Most prominently, Japanese restaurant seems to occupy a significant percentage of the number of restaurants in Taiwan. I have come to love Japanese food, it is not just about sushi and sashimi though those are also nice. Japanese cuisine naturally has rice meals or donburi.

Inside Mountain Donburi in Taipei

Inside Mountain Donburi in Taipei

It is as simple as saying that it is just rice toppings but it seems that some restaurants can take it into another level. I came across this restaurant in Taipei which featured Mountain Donburi. The image of the donburi speaks for itself. Basically, it is bowl of rice with a mountain of meat on it. It is them topped by egg yolk, which essentially becomes the lava. I couldn’t resist to order that. There is a machine to punch in what you want but the staff helped me order it. I probably could have managed it myself. The meat of the donburi was very tender since it was sliced so thinly. The yolk sits on top of the mountain of meat ready for you to burst it. Presentation aside, the rice bowl was certainly very nice. I thought I was lucky to stumble into this. One thing I would note is that for a mountain donburi, the mountain isn’t really that big. Maybe they could benefit from a much larger serving just to impress people.

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