Going to the Capela dos Ossos

Replica of the Church Interior at the Capela dos Ossos

Replica of the Church Interior at the Capela dos Ossos

It was so warm that day that I was exhausted by mid afternoon. The heat can really sap away your strength. I decided to take a break and head back to the hotel. It wasn’t that far of a walk because the city of Évora isn’t that large. The hotel was just beyond the city walls so it was convenient to access. I started to review what I should be visiting. And it turns out that I missed out on a major destination here in Évora. After cooling down a bit from the hot afternoon sun, I set out once again to the historic city center.

Detailed Replica of a Church Interior at the Capela dos Ossos

Detailed Replica of a Church Interior at the Capela dos Ossos

Turns out that I almost passed by this place earlier. I had somehow missed it. There was a large church of Saint Francis which I thought was a bit strange with a large terrace overlooking the city. That wasn’t the strange part either. By late afternoon, more people were already outside and the church of Saint Francis was especially busy. Turns out that it wasn’t the actual church they were interested in, but the chapel here called Capela dos Ossos. I almost completely missed one of the most important landmarks of Évora, fortunately for me, there was Google to save the day.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/CapeladosOssos.kmz} zoom=19]