Saint Crone’s Church in Aranmore

Inside Saint Crone's Church in Aranmore Island

Inside Saint Crone’s Church in Aranmore Island

The ferry terminal at Burtonport had some flyers about Aranmore Island, and I think that is probably the best guide I will ever have here. While the island, isn’t really that far away from the mainland, it feels like it is a world away. Upon arrival at the island, there is this laid back atmosphere that feels different from the mainland. That is probably surprising, since the mainland is already laid back enough. It felt like people just watch the days pass by without a care in the world. The houses here are spread out though so there wasn’t a clear center.

Saint Crone's Church in Aranmore Island

Saint Crone’s Church in Aranmore Island

This probably made building a church somewhat problematic since everyone was so spread out. The island has two churches. I visited Saint Crone’s Church which is on the southern end of the island. I was expecting a very old looking church but it turned out be not unlike a house. The church was built in 1825. This took my by surprise since it certainly doesn’t look like it is almost two hundred years old. I guess the church has been constantly renovated over the years to achieve its current look. There is much to see in the church either. There is a memorial here for the people who died in a 1935 ferry disaster.

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