Going to Mamore Gap

Mamore Gap

Mamore Gap

While Fort Dunree was a place which I have previously visited, I never got to visit the fort in weather as good as that day. The weather is seldom good when you want it to be, that is, on weekends. Unfortunately, I would be stuck in the office looking at the great weather. Fortunately for me, the weather was really holding up and it promised to be great all the way. From Fort Dunree, I continued on to my tour of the Inishowen 100, which is a tourist route which brings visitors around the Inishowen peninsula in county Donegal.

Road Winding Through the Mamore Gap

Road Winding Through the Mamore Gap

I think I would be in unknown territory after Fort Dunree. This was the first time I drove around Inishowen on my own and I am not familiar with the roads here. I thought that was good since it won’t be a repeat of places I previously visited. My next stop is the Mamore Gap. From what I have seen in Ireland, a gap is basically the space between to mountains or in this case hills. There is usually a road build between the two hills which lends to stunning views. The hills in this case are the Urris Hills. I am looking forward to seeing the view from the Mamore Gap.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/MamoreGap.kmz} zoom=19]