Mount Errigal in the Winter

Mount Errigal by the Lake

Mount Errigal by the Lake

It would be almost a year before I would be able to go on a trip again but in the meantime, I would be able to enjoy the scenery of Ireland whenever the weather permits. It was a day right after a fresh snowfall and it was a clear and beautiful day. It suddenly occurred to me that there is probably very nice winter scenery to be had in County Donegal in Ireland. Granted that the snowfall really wasn’t that much, it was still a nice cover of white across the landscape. It was late in the morning that I realized what opportunity was presented me. I immediately got in the car and drove off to Mount Errigal.

Mount Errigal in County Donegal

Mount Errigal in County Donegal

Mount Errigal in County Donegal is the second highest peak in Ireland. I would pass by the mountain once in a while and would marvel at this mountain. I still can’t believe that it is the second highest mountain since it doesn’t look that tall to me. However, one would need to consider that this area is already quite elevated which means my reference point was wrong to begin with. By the time I got that only the peak was covered in snow, which was a shame. However, I thought this still presented a nice change in colors on the mountain. There was a lake in the foreground and it was completely still, a rarity here in County Donegal which is known for its winds. I managed to get a mirror image shot of the mountain. I would have wanted it if the peak was visible but the clouds at the top were persistent.

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