Exploring the Choir of the Canons at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Cecilia

Benches at the Choir of the Canons at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Cecilia in Albi

Benches at the Choir of the Canons at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Cecilia in Albi

I was impressed with the size of the Choir of the Canons at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Cecilia. The choir area is separated from the rest of the church using a stone screen. The created what I thought was the largest choir area that I have seen. I don’t know if this was intentional but perhaps it was coincidence that this cathedral was also decidated to Saint Cecilia the patron saint of musicians and yes, choirs. The choir has a single row of chairs for the choir members. These chairs were made of wood and they look quite uncomfortable. I can’t see how people would be able to stay in these rigid seats for very long.

Music Stand at the Choir of the Canons at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Cecilia in Albi

Music Stand at the Choir of the Canons at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Cecilia in Albi

One of the impressive features of the choir is the stone screen which surrounded the entirety of the choir. The almost every other seat has a scene carved behind it on the stone screen. The screen itself is even more amazing. I thought was difficult enough to carve something out of stone but to build something like a stone screen is really mind boggling. Also on display here is a large music stand. Although the stand is quite large, I don’t think it is meant for use by the choir itself but rather by the conductor since the music would have to be very large for the choir to be able to see it.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/CathedralBasilicaofSaintCecilia.kmz} zoom=19]