Roman Ruins in Avignon

Foundations of Old Roman Buildings in Avignon

Foundations of Old Roman Buildings in Avignon

The medieval city of Avignon is a remarkably well-preserved city. A lot of the medieval buildings have survived to this day. This is what makdes Avignon such a nice place to visit. It is hard enough to maintain buildings for years but to be able to keep them in good condition for centuries is another thing. It helps if the governments at the time are knowledgeable enough to know to preserve historical structures. It was probably difficult to do back then since mass tourism wasn’t a thing yet. We can only thank the incredible foresight of these people to keep what is still there for future generations.

Remains of an Old Roman Structure in Avignon

Remains of an Old Roman Structure in Avignon

Of course, not everything actually made it. A lot of the important buildings here were preserved but some places were left with just foundations as a reminder of what used to be there. There was an encloused area not too far from the main square. There were foundations of what used to be a Roman building. Unfortunately, that is what was left of the building. However, the city has made it such that the remaining foundation is preserved and freely available to visit. There is an elevated walkway around the site to help visitors explore the ruins.

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