Going to the Palais des Papes

Palais des Papes in Avignon

Palais des Papes in Avignon

The Place de l’Horloge is a very nice introduction to the medieval city of Avignon. Avignon has several sights to see and this is probably one of them. However, people don’t come to Avignon to see this. Actually, not that far away from the Place de l’Horloge, there is yet another and far more important landmark here in Avignon. The Palais des Papes is probably Avignon’s most well known landmark. I have passed by this structure a few times the past few night and I seems to be an amazing structure. There is a large square outside the Palais des Papes and it seems to be much larger than the Place de l’Horloge. This seems to throw the layout of the town of Avignon off kilter since the main square is actually not that far away.

Square Across the Palais des Papes

Square Across the Palais des Papes

The Palais des Papes is probably the largest structure here in the medieval city of Avignon. The name stands for the palace of the Popes. This came as a surprise to me. Apparently, Rome hasn’t always been the home of the popes. It has apparently moved around and one of these places was Avignon. There was a time which was called the Avignon Papacy where seven successive popes stayed here in Avignon. The result of these successive popes was a huge palace that was built over the centuries.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/PalaisdesPapes.kmz} zoom=19]