Exploring the Cloister of Saint-Trophime Church in Arles

Detail on the Column of the Cloister

Detail on the Column of the Cloister

I actually almost missed the cloister here at Saint-Trophime Church in Arles. The signs weren’t very clear and I actually left the church before seeing another sign pointing to the cloister. So I returned to the church and discovered what I almost missed. The cloister actually wasn’t that large but what it lacked in size, it made up for it in beauty. The cloister was actually a work of art. The columns of the cloister were beautifully designed. I was surprised to see them used two columns instead of the normal single column.

Closer Lookg at the Column in the Cloister of Saint-Trophime Church

Closer Lookg at the Column in the Cloister of Saint-Trophime Church

Looking at the columns, there are figures carved onto them. I never knew what the figures represented but they always seemed creepy. I don’t know why this was so, probably it was designed to instill fear in people. The carvings weren’t always the same. This makes it a very expensive undertaking to build a structure like this. These days, one column would be made and then a mold would probably made of the single column and duplicates can be made out of it. Back then everything was done by hand. It shows how much dedication was given to building structures like these back them.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/Saint-TrophimeChurchArles.kmz} zoom=19]