Cafe Van Gogh

Cafe Van Gogh

Cafe Van Gogh

I came to Arles not knowing a single thing about the place. When I got here I found out that this place has very strong relationships with the old Roman empire. In fact, Arles used to be an old provincial capital. This probably implies that Arles would have a lot of old structures which date back to the Roman empire. I thought to myself visiting all these places would take most of the day here. I didn’t have a map to Arles so I was just randomly walking around the city. I was thinking that as long as I walk towards what appears to be a busier place then that would surely bring me somewhere interesting.

Outside Cafe Van Gogh

Outside Cafe Van Gogh

I came across this plaza which wasn’t really that impressive. It wasn’t that large either but it seems that people were her taking photos so I thought that there should be something worth seeing here. Turns out there was. There an old cafe here which goes by the name of Cafe Van Gogh. I didn’t know the significance of the cafe until later. Turns out, the cafe is was visited by Vincent Van Gogh when he was staying here in Arles. I wasn’t sure why he would be here but he saw fit to paint a picture of the cafe titled Cafe Terrace at Night. The cafe wasn’t open at the time perhaps it was still too early. Later on, I would see images of the painting in souvenir shops in Arles.

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