Lyon Cathedral Museum

Relics from the Roman Era in Lyon Cathedral

Relics from the Roman Era in Lyon Cathedral

I was very impressed with the astronomical clock of Saint John the Baptist Cathedral in Lyon. I have never seen such a device and I was happy to actually see one. It was too bad the clock was not in operation since it was scheduled for repair. Hopefully, the church would be able to get the funded to repair the clock soon. I was making my way out of the church when I saw that the cathedral has a small museum as well. It seems there is a small exhibit of artifacts which have been unearthed here. Lyon has been continuously inhabited over the centuries so it is not a surprise that remnants of old structures be found here.

Tapestry at Lyon Cathedral

Tapestry at Lyon Cathedral

On display here are some artifacts from the Roman times. It is hard for me to imagine that France was part of the Roman empire but it is only because I wasn’t paying attention in my world history. It was during my visit to this region of France that I came to know the reach of the Roman empire. Yes, technically, Rome isn’t that far away from here but I would always imagine it to be a world away. The museum also has several large tapestries on display, they would depict some scene but I do not know what they are.

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